Visual Regression Testing

Generally saved as visual-regression.test.ts.

If using the npm scripts, run npm test:update to generate new screenshots. You can then run npm test vr to compare.

import { test, expect } from '@liquidlight/playwright-framework';

test.describe('Visual Regression', { tag: ['@snapshot', '@vr'] }, () => {

	const pages = {
		'Homepage': '/',
		'About › About Us': '/about/about-us/'

	const screenshotProperties = {
		fullPage: true,
		maxDiffPixelRatio: 0.2

	// Loop through the pages and take a screenshot for each
	Object.entries(pages).forEach(([testName, url]) => {
		test(testName, async({page}) => {{type: 'path', description: + url});
			await page.goto(url);
			await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot(screenshotProperties);

	test('Homepage › Print CSS', async ({ page }) => {
		await page.emulateMedia({ media: 'print' });

		await page.goto('/');
		await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot(screenshotProperties);