Framework Development

Releasing this Playwright Framework

When it comes to creating a new release for the Playwright Framework, run the following:

  1. npx eslint . and npx eslint . --fix
  2. npm run build
  3. Update the version number in package.json
  4. Commit result
  5. git tag [version]
  6. git push origin main --tags - this will publish to NPM

Local Development of the Playwright Framework

  1. Clone the repository down parallel to your project
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run pack
  4. In your project, delete node_modules/@liquidlight/playwright-framework
  5. Update the package.json in the project to be "@liquidlight/playwright-framework": "file:./../playwright-framework/liquidlight-playwright-framework-0.4.0-beta.1.tgz" (or whatever the tgz file made is)
  6. Run npm update in the project

If you make changes to the package, run npm run pack in the package and npm update in the project